Red face, Modern ceramic, Wall art ceramic

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This is Red Face. He is a very special handmade ceramic face, made in our 99heads studio. This art piece is different. We used a special sand technique when we integrated Red Face into the frame. The face itself is made of red and white clay, the frame is wooden and the stuff in between is a special sand mixture, used to create a unique and rich texture as a background of the face. Redr Face was also glazed and painted on with special ceramic paint. He is different and unique, full of all sorts of shapes. His facial features are made of small ceramic elements. The sandy background’s color is pinkish; the inner frame is red-pinkish, emphasizing the face; and the rustic frame combines several layers of white black and red, all of which are layered, using a special technique to create the rustic effect. The art piece has got a hook on the back for easy hanging. RedFace is a perfect addition to your personal collection or an awesome gift for someone very special.

height 18cm, width 18cm, depth 4cm
(height 7″ width 7″, depth 1 1/2″)

Tagged: 99heads


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Unique ceramic sculpture, Wall Art ceramic, Modern ceramic


In our shop:99heads

This is a unique wall art ceramic sculpture, designed to give your home décor the twist you’ve been looking for. We used a special wood in a semi-circle shape, painted in black with a hook on the back for easy hanging on the wall. The face is made of white clay and then glazed with ceramic glazes in smooth light colors like blue around the eyes, red around the lips, etc. The head’s facial features are emphasized by the distinctive imprint we used to decorate it. It is suitable for a gift for someone special or an addition to your personal collection. Apart from being an awesome art piece, coming out of the wall, it can also be turned into a practical piece of art by hanging it next to your bookshelf and use it as a beautiful artistic bookend. Have fun experimenting!

Height: 17cm / 6 3/4″
Width: 8cm / 3″
Depth: 10cm / 4″

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Abstract ceramic mask


In our shop:99heads

Abstract ceramic mask,Wall Art Ceramic, Handmade Mask, Ceramic Home Decor by 99heads

The wall sculpture is made in our studio 99heads. We used 2 basic materials: wood and ceramic elements. This work of art is entirely handmade and unique. The head is made of ceramic elements ,glass and colored with ceramic glazes and ceramic paint. The base is made of wood and then painted with white paint .

On the back of the mask there is a small hook, which you can use to hang it on the desired place.

White clay, Ceramic elements, ceramic glaze,colorful glass, ceramic paint

Size: 28cm / 12cm ( 11″ x 4 1/2″ )

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Abstract ceramic mask, Wall Art Ceramic

In our shop:99heads

Abstract ceramic mask,Wall Art Ceramic, Handmade Mask, Ceramic Home Decor by 99heads

The wall sculpture is made in our studio 99heads. We used 2 basic materials: wood and ceramic elements. This work of art is entirely handmade and unique. The head is made of ceramic elements ,glass and colored with ceramic glazes and ceramic paint. The base is made of wood and then painted with white paint .

On the back of the mask there is a small hook, which you can use to hang it on the desired place.

White clay, red clay, ceramic elements, ceramic glaze,colorful glass, ceramic paint

Size: 14.5cm / 30cm ( 5.7 / 11.8 in )

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Sunlight caressing faces


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The Reds

They are not angry, or embarrassed. They are simply… red. The Reds may look a bit serious or even sad… but maybe that’s just the way they are… red. Red faces with red lips, red eyes, red noses, everything is… red. And that’s OK, because they will look awesome in your stylish red room – the kitchen, the bedroom, the living room,… the bathroom? And the black lines gently emphasize the faces. Each face is made of red clay terracotta tile, which gives it a unique texture. It is painted with ceramic glaze and decorated with black ceramic paint, then placed on a wooden board, painted in white and also decorated with black lines. Each art piece has got a hook on the back for easy hanging.

If you’re interested in having a single Red, here are the links:

1. 19,5cm/11,5cm (7 1/2″ x 4 1/2″)
2. 19,5cm/11,5cm (7 1/2″ x 4 1/2″)
3. 19,5cm/11,5cm (7 1/2″ x 4 1/2″)

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Abstract ceramic mask, Wall Art Ceramic, Handmade Mask


In our shop:99heads

Abstract ceramic mask,Wall Art Ceramic, Handmade Mask, Ceramic Home Decor by 99heads

The wall sculpture is made in our studio 99heads. We used 2 basic materials: wood and ceramic elements. This work of art is entirely handmade and unique. The head is made of ceramic elements ,glass and colored with ceramic glazes and ceramic paint. The base is made of wood and then painted with white paint .

On the back of the mask there is a small hook, which you can use to hang it on the desired place.

White clay, Ceramic elements, ceramic glaze,colorful glass, ceramic paint

Size: 28cm / 12cm ( 11″ x 4 1/2″ )

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Abstract ceramic mask, Wall Art Ceramic


In our shop: 99heads

Abstract ceramic mask,Wall Art Ceramic, Handmade Mask, Ceramic Home Decor by 99heads

The wall sculpture is made in our studio 99heads. We used 2 basic materials: wood and ceramic elements. This work of art is entirely handmade and unique. The head is made of ceramic elements , and colored with ceramic glazes and ceramic paint. The base is made of wood and then painted with white paint .

On the back of the mask there is a small hook, which you can use to hang it on the desired place.

Ceramic elements, ceramic glaze, wood, glass

Size: 9/22cm (3.5/8.7 in)

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Abstract ceramic mask, Wall Art Ceramic


Abstract ceramic mask,Wall Art Ceramic, Handmade Mask, Ceramic Home Decor by 99heads

A diamond-shaped head – how about that! And it’s orange, too.

This art piece is placed on a white wooden base, decorated with artistic drawings. The face is made of a ceramic base, decorated with shapes in different sizes, shapes and colors to create this amazing look. The decorative lines continue on the face as well to complete the art piece. The accent, of course,isthe eyes – one green, one brown, both gorgeously large and deep. And the prevailing orange color makes it look kinda fresh, don’t you think?

On the back of the mask there is a small hook, which you can use to hang it on the desired place.

White clay, Ceramic elements, ceramic glaze,colorful glass, ceramic paint

Size: 30cm / 18cm ( 11.8in / 7.1 in )

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Abstract ceramic mask, Wall Art Ceramic


Abstract ceramic mask,Wall Art Ceramic, Handmade Mask, Ceramic Home Decor by 99heads

The wall sculpture is made in our studio 99heads. We used 2 basic materials: wood and ceramic elements. This work of art is entirely handmade and unique. The head is made of ceramic elements , and colored with ceramic glazes and ceramic paint. The base is made of wood and then painted with white paint .

On the back of the mask there is a small hook, which you can use to hang it on the desired place.

Ceramic elements, ceramic glaze, wood, glass

Dimensions- 18 cm diameter. aprox. 7.1″.

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Wall sculpture, Wall Art Ceramic, Handmade Mask


The wall sculpture is made in our studio 99heads. We used 2 basic materials: wood and ceramic elements. This work of art is entirely handmade and unique. The head is made of ceramic elements , and colored with ceramic glazes and ceramic paint. The base is made of wood and then painted with white paint .

On the back of the mask there is a small hook, which you can use to hang it on the desired place.

Ceramic elements, ceramic glaze, wood, glass

Dimensions- 12 cm diameter. aprox. 4.7″.

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Abstract ceramic mask, Wall Art Ceramic, Handmade Mask


Abstract ceramic mask,Wall Art Ceramic, Handmade Mask, Ceramic Home Decor by 99heads

The wall sculpture is made in our studio 99heads. We used 2 basic materials: wood and ceramic elements. This work of art is entirely handmade and unique. The head is made of ceramic elements ,glass and colored with ceramic glazes and ceramic paint. The base is made of wood and then painted with white paint .

On the back of the mask there is a small hook, which you can use to hang it on the desired place.

White clay, Ceramic elements, ceramic glaze,colorful glass, ceramic paint

Size: 10cm / 10cm ( 3.9 / 3.9 in )

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Abstract ceramic mask


Abstract ceramic mask,Wall Art Ceramic, Handmade Mask, Ceramic Home Decor by 99heads

The wall sculpture is made in our studio 99heads. We used 2 basic materials: wood and ceramic elements. This work of art is entirely handmade and unique. The head is made of ceramic elements , and colored with ceramic glazes and ceramic paint. The base is made of wood and then painted with white paint .

On the back of the mask there is a small hook, which you can use to hang it on the desired place.

White clay, Ceramic elements, ceramic glaze, ceramic paint

Size: 20cm / 10cm ( 7.9in / 3.9 in )

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Wall Art Ceramic, Abstract ceramic mask, Handmade Mask


Wall Art Ceramic, Abstract ceramic mask, Handmade Mask, Ceramic Home Decor by 99heads

On the back of the mask there is a small hook, which you can use to hang it on the desired place.

White clay, Ceramic elements, ceramic glaze,colorful glass, ceramic paint

Size: 23cm / 20cm (9.1 in / 7.9 in)


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Abstract ceramic mask by 99heads


Abstract ceramic mask,Wall Art Ceramic, Handmade Mask, Ceramic Home Decor by 99heads

The wall sculpture is made in our studio 99heads. We used 2 basic materials: wood and ceramic elements. This work of art is entirely handmade and unique. The head is made of ceramic elements ,glass and colored with ceramic glazes and ceramic paint. The base is made of wood and then painted with white paint .

On the back of the mask there is a small hook, which you can use to hang it on the desired place.

White clay, Ceramic elements, ceramic glaze,colorful glass, ceramic paint

Size: 30cm / 10cm ( 11.8in / 3.9 in )

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Abstract ceramic mask, Wall Art Ceramic by 99heads


Abstract ceramic mask,Wall Art Ceramic, Handmade Mask, Ceramic Home Decor by 99heads

This is a ceramic handmade mask of a head for a wall. This type of art is suitable for both private collections and a gift.

It is glued to a white base .On the back of the mask there is a small hook, which you can use to hang it on the desired place.

Porcelain, ceramic glaze, glass, ceramic paint

Size: 27cm / 10 cm ( 10.6 in / 3.9 in )

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Abstract ceramic face (Wall Art) by 99heads


This is a porcelain handmade figure of a head for a wall. This type of art is suitable for both private collections and a gift.

Porcelain, glaze, glass

Size: 9.4/5.5 in (24.0/14.0 cm)

How it’s made
The heads are made of porcelain, red clay or fire clay. They are entirely hand made and each one of them is unique. For the coloring one can use different glazes. The technology of workmanship is also unique and takes time and patience. With some of the heads one can use glass, metal and wooden elements. Each one of them brings its own individuality and unique spirit.

A little more about the technology: after the heads are molded, they have to be left to dry, after which they are being baked in a special oven at about 1000 degrees Celsius. After being baked once, the colors are laid and the baking process is repeated. Depending on the desired effect, the heads can go through the oven a third time, if working with other types of colors.

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Abstract Ceramic Figurines by 99heads

 In our shop:99heads

Vampire Family Portrait

What a nice yellow bond this is – father and son. These 3D wall sculptures represent the merely forgotten vampire kind and their family relationships. Although he might look a little scary (because of the bloody teeth and all) Father Vamp is actually a good soul and well-intentioned (look into his red eyes). Junior on the other hand is a teenager on the loose. As you can see he doesn’t have his teeth yet, but he’ll try to bite you anyway (Father tried to explain to him once, but he just wouldn’t listen). Both ceramic art dolls are yellow from head to toe and are wearing smart raincoats for a more dramatic effect.

They have hooks on the back for easy hanging.


Father Vamp:
38cm/7cm (15in/3in)

Junior Vamp:
32cm/7cm (12.6in/3in)

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King and Queen ceramic masks by 99heads

In our shop:99heads

The King and Queen of The Wall Kingdom – two ceramic masterpieces!

They are both made of clay, glazed in red, with a wooden base, also painted in red.
Look at the shape of his face. The King has got red lips and a soft, subtle look in his eyes. Besides the black and white lines decorating the face, you can see his hair’s made of black yarn and resembles a crown. His whole radiation takes us back to Renaissance France.

The Queen’s got dark blue hair made from dark blue yarn, too and a cute sharp chin. She’s got red feminine lips and a line pattern across her nose that fits the white decorative lines across the left side of her face. She’s got a blue eye, a yellow eye and a third white eye, which makes her so unique.

Both masks radiate intense spiritual energy and have a special connection between them. However, if you’re interested in purchasing only one of them, here are the links you can use:

The Queen:
Size: 40/12cm (15.7/4.7in )

The King:
Size: 45cm/23cm (18.1in/9.1in)

The King and The Queen have hooks on the back for easy hanging.

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