Abstract ceramic mask,Wall Art Ceramic, Handmade Mask, Ceramic Home Decor by 99heads
A diamond-shaped head – how about that! And it’s orange, too.
This art piece is placed on a white wooden base, decorated with artistic drawings. The face is made of a ceramic base, decorated with shapes in different sizes, shapes and colors to create this amazing look. The decorative lines continue on the face as well to complete the art piece. The accent, of course,isthe eyes – one green, one brown, both gorgeously large and deep. And the prevailing orange color makes it look kinda fresh, don’t you think?
On the back of the mask there is a small hook, which you can use to hang it on the desired place.
White clay, Ceramic elements, ceramic glaze,colorful glass, ceramic paint
Size: 30cm / 18cm ( 11.8in / 7.1 in )