
We are Niki and Sophie. We live together and we create together. It’s wonderful when you have someone to share what you do with. We live in a beautiful city in Bulgaria. I, Niki, am into crafts, ceramics, photography and arts in general and Sophie, my wife, works as a second grade teacher and as a part time English teacher in the 6th grade.
We hope you’ll check out our shop http://www.etsy.com/shop/99heads where you’ll find interesting things. We are into ceramics, graphic design, photography, street art and blogging. Everything we create is made with love and is inspired by the world around us.

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6 thoughts on “ABOUT US

  1. Hello! My name is Alexandria Harris and I am interested in using your art work as a reference in my lesson plan about clay masks for a 7th grade classroom. I am an art education major at Illinois State University in the United States. I am currently completing my micro teaching where with my lessons, I have to compose an artist research. Aside from 99 heads and your facebook, I am having trouble researching you guys. I was wondering if you have personal websites that have artists statements or a biography page. I’m interested in learning about your lives as artists and the processes you do throughout your artwork.

    Thank you!

  2. Hello Niki & Sophie! I am so thrilled to have stumbled upon your work, which is absolutely stunning! I hope to be able to purchase some pieces on ETSY in the near future, as my budget will permit! I am an Art Teacher for K-8th grades, and have my masters degree in ceramic sculpture as well. I actually discovered your work while doing my summer research and lesson planning, and I would love to include you as feature artists for some our upcoming projects. Our exhibit theme this year is “Self-Portraits”. I think your work would be a great inspiration for the kids! I read the background information that you have posted here and on ETSY. Is there anything else about yourselves that I can tell my students? I always try to include information such as artists who inspire you, life experiences that my have impacted your work, or special messages that you hope to convey through artistic expression. Any thoughts that you feel like sharing would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so very much! Wendy Cramer

  3. Hello my name is Isobel smith, I am at university studying design crafts and am looking into your work for a project. I also looked at your work during my A Levels. I was just wondering if you had any specific influences to you style of work? Also if you have a favourite piece?
    Thank you.

  4. I am in the same situation, I would love to be able to display your art to inspire my year 9 art students.
    I will follow the link above.

    Kind regards,
    Cristina Prego

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